I’ve kept a mining journal from when I was a teenager. What I hope with these pages is to share some of our family’s adventures. Some of the photos are from slides, some are from the first digital cameras, and some are more recent from cell phones. I have about forty from old web pages but, as you know, most of my days are spent mining and getting minerals ready for shows, so these pages come at the end of normally long days. Hopefully I can post some of the older stories (I may correct errors, but that will be all) as well as post some newer pages. Enjoy. Let me know your thoughts in an e-mail.  Joe Dorris

Mining Takes From Summer 2021

Mining Takes From Summer 2021

SUMMER 2021: We operated on both the Smoky Hawk and the Sky Hawk. This will not be an article per sey but some shots and takes from the summer. Many of these specimens will be offered a year from now. Pieces we are preparing for the upcoming shows came from last...

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Season 2008 and Smithsonian Pocket

Season 2008 and Smithsonian Pocket

Season 2008: The below article was first published on former web pages and is reprinted here as I wrote it. Some updates have been added as indicated and original photos may have been replaced with different photos which were taken at the time. The "Smithonian...

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